Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing during Economy Collapse: The Ultimate Strategy

Every economic downfall has three basic phases: the sudden early drop, the slow curing from it, and the return back on track. The effect of a business recession relies on how deep the drop is and the time it requires to get back on track. Currently, India in the 1st phase and it is not surprising that all this happens when something bad hits our economy. At the same time, it could be immensely frightening, and entrepreneurs may lose their hopes within stage one of the recession.

Presently the global economy and businesses are hit worst by the ongoing pandemic. As dauntless marketers and business owners, we don’t give up during a downfall. You should never become paralyzed by the gigantic impact of economic disasters. 

What practical steps you take now will help you build a solid base to survive as well as it will help you get back to the surface. If you remember the period of 2008-2009, then you will get to know that online marketers and business experienced their first recession at that time. We have learned many lessons from those mishaps, and studying how businesses managed to survive from it can help your business to survive right now. Let’s see how to build a powerful digital marketing strategy to survive during the current crises.

Don’t Give Up on Your Online Marketing Expenditure.

Many marketers have slowed down and reduced their advertisement budget significantly. Keep in mind that dramatically cutting down advertisements will only do one thing, make your consumers forget about your brand, ultimately worsening the situation.

You may able to save a lot in current crises, but later, you will need to spend a lot of money on advertisement to get back on track that can ruin your profit as well as brand reputation.

In 2009, it was observed that the businesses that continuously spent in marketing managed to survive the economic collapse. On the other hand, those who saved their money by stopping marketing got their whole business completely ruined. So it is a wise step to not to stop your usual marketing plans.

Ensure to make an innovative campaign and educate your audience and customers about the current impact on your business. Before starting a campaign, think about the goal of your campaigns as if your region is facing lockdown, then you might not be able to get sales. You may run your ads for brand awareness or other things to maintain your brand in the market.  Do not run ads for the services that you can’t deliver right now.

Advertise Like a Moral Citizen

Instead of advertising that your brand is the best, make sure to help your needy customers. Don’t think about earning profit during the crises. People will always praise brands that are currently helping the needy ones. Even though a brand manages to make a profit in the current situations, people won’t consider such brands even as an ethical citizen. Think about how your business can help others rather than how to make a profit. 

Carefully Study Customer Behavior and Trend

If you can study how customers are spending money in the current situations can help you how to optimize your ads as per their need. You need to study what things people are avoiding and what things they are purchasing.


When you follow all aspects, you can improve all marketing of your marketing planning and will be able to survive in the present crises.  So don’t be afraid of the situations and keep on doing the good work until the market begins healing itself.