
Save 80% Time With 4 Easy Steps to Master Content Refreshing and Republishing

Generating effective results while sticking to a budget is an extremely challenging job. Do you have a cash crunch to hire someone for content marketing? Do you lack the time to do it all by yourself?

Well, in this case, what you can do is look for 20% of the work that can produce 80% of your results.

And, Content Refreshing is all about this 20%. Refreshing content that has been posted earlier is the quickest and most convenient way to drive more traffic since now you have the main ingredient of your content. You need to replace it with any current issue that is liable to appear more on the search results and get clicks.

Content Refreshing is one of the best SEO strategies that experts have used as it requires little time (as compared to writing a fresh new content) and gets similar results.

However, the one problem that people face while doing so is that they are unable to choose the right content or end up adding more fluff to make it longer. As a result, they do not get any results after updating the old blog post.

In this blog, we have explained the ways to examine the competition, identify the right content, and improvise it to generate desired results. 

1. Choosing the Right Content

You can check the performance of your posts by logging in to your Google Search Console account. Here is the step-by-step guide.

  • After opening Google Search Console, look for the click-through rates on your posts.
  • Go to “Performances” and then click “Pages”.
  • Search for the posts with the most number of impressions and clicks. 

Now, even if you update these posts and say Google ranks it higher, you won’t get any better results than what you are already getting. To fix this issue, you need to assign a new title or heading that will catch your target audience’s attention. This is so because people see your title/heading five times more than the body of the content itself. So make sure it is catchy enough.

To optimize your title, search for websites that have a better ranking than yours. Look for the common keywords they use in the heading, the tone of writing, and the length of the title. Write down 15-20 titles you can think of, and then choose the best one among those. This will help you solve your low click-through rates.

2. Look For Worthy Articles

The whole point is to generate 80% results, with 20% of your work. Look for articles that are worthy of driving more traffic rather than wasting time on blogs that are not ranking in SERPs for any of the keywords or have low search volume.

There are plenty of websites that will provide you with the list of pages in order of traffic percentage. Take references from pages that have high search volume and intent.

If you refresh your page with keywords that have less than ten searches a month, you will end up with minimum results. Similarly, updating a page with high search volume and insufficient user intent will give you zero results.

This is why knowing traffic percentage comes in handy to maintain a perfect balance and drive more results.

3. Competitive Analysis is Essential

Proceed further by looking for articles that are ranking above than yours. Launch your favorite keyword tool and paste the URL of the webpage that you need to update. See what keywords you have been ranking for already on the search engines.

Now, look at what the Search Engine Result Page seems like for all of these keywords individually. Visit the few pages that have top rankings. Read the subheadings and see what topics they have covered which you haven’t. In case you do not have any keyword tools, then you can always go for the old traditional method by typing your keyword in Google search.

If a particular subject is popping up in multiple pages in SERP, then consider including it in your article too. Additionally, please take a look at their word count and make sure yours is near to it. If their article has 1500 words and yours is 800, you may want to fix that too. Although a word count is not a ranking factor, it does have an impact on search rankings.

Last but not least, see if they are using more or less multimedia (such as videos or photos) than you, then you better start updating your article.

4. Things to Update
Revise the Introduction and Conclusion

It is always better to update your blog rather than just tweaking it a little bit and modifying the date. Readers generally give a read to the Introduction to see if the post is useful enough to read. Make your intro straightforward rather than being very generic. Connecting to the audience at an emotional extent is fine but make sure to mention what your article covers because that will make them read the full article.

 When it comes to conclusion, people will typically scroll down to see what this article really addresses and whether they should study it or not. Treat your conclusion the same as an introduction. Being a little generic here is worth a shot.

Exclude or Adjoin the Weaker Sections

Sections that appear slightly off can make your audience lose interest, increase the bounce rate, and decrease the time on site. Try deleting the fluff content or combining it with other parts even if the updated article appears a bit shorter than the old one, it’s fine.

Research and add subjects that might make your article more useful.

Research on the popular subjects that will make your article more informative, while you do the competitor analysis.

Try Adding Stats/Facts/Quotes

Adding statistical data or facts or quotes is liable to increase the credibility of your article. But make sure to only add fresh data and ensure that the links to these sources are not older than two years as these might deteriorate the accuracy of your content and go against the Google guidelines. However, evergreen statistics or quotes are an exception.

Replace Your Images

Replacing the images from your old blogs to a fresh one can make your content look more appealing; however, if you can spend a little time or money to create some new images that can be a bonus!

However, if you already have original infographics posted on your article, check to see if other users are linking to your post because otherwise, you might lose some valuable backlinks.

So here were the few easy steps that will help you master content refreshing and republishing. You don’t have to write a whole new blog every time instead follow these steps to meet your company’s requirements and keep up with the content calendar. We hope this helps!