Digital Marketing

5 Email Marketing Practices to Boost Your Sales in 2020

Emails are extremely helpful in boosting conversions, customer engagement, and overall online brand awareness. Email marketing is not a new trend, but every year we have some new trends and tricks to buff up the email marketing techniques. In 2020, it is getting a bit weaker as customers are now completely ignoring promotional emails, especially the un-personalized ones.

So it is vital to make your marketing emails personalized, relevant, and appealing for your targeted audiences. However, if you are already using email marketing to promote your business and to engage your existing customers, then you have to learn some new email marketing tricks and trends in 2020 since situations are changing in the present world.

Here are the top 5 tips that you can implement in your present marketing plan!

1. Use Mobile-Friendly Emails

The current digital world is no longer reliant on computers; mobiles are the most commonly used digital devices in the current world. Nobody has the time to open a laptop or desktop to check the emails as users are leaning towards smartphones. These days, everybody owns a smartphone that can be used to send, read, review, reply, or forward emails effortlessly.

So, if your emails are not friendly with the mobile device screen sizes, then your hard work would be wasted. So make sure that your emails are responsive and look well on mobile devices. But now you might ask how do I create mobile-friendly or compatible emails? It is simple as you just need to reduce the size of your copy, pictures, and graphics.

Your complete email design should support on a mobile screen format. A mobile screen optimized email would have a clear Call to Action button that will boost your email response rate. Here are the things to bear in mind while designing a responsive email:

  • Maintain ample white space in your mobile-friendly emails.
  • Ensure that your picture or other graphics appear without any cropping.
  • The most important point, CTA button should appear clearly without further scrolling so users can click it effortlessly.

2. Create Voice Optimized Emails

If your email is only optimized with mobile’s display, but not with its voice assistant technology, then it can hurt your email marketing efforts. This happens due to most people are using voice commands to read and listen to emails. So all you have to do is check if your emails are working accurately with voice assistant automatic reading capabilities. These days, people tend to say “Ok Google, read it,” rather than reading your emails manually. In the near future, it is predicted that most of the users will be using their voice assistant to see and reply to the emails.

3. Artificial Intelligence Motivated Emails

Even in the present world, most of the emails are driven by human beings, be it the subject of the email or the time they send it. It is a common belief in marketing that sending emails to the users on the time when they are more likely to check their inboxes leads to a higher response rate. However, this could be extremely tiring since every user has a different persona and habits of reading emails. It is almost impossible for a small marketing company to track user behavior and then shoot emails accordingly. The AI technology has made it very effortless to shoot emails on the time when a specific user is tending to open it.

The AI constructed emails are scheduled to send emails automatically on time to bulk email lists. It first studies the previous user behavior on your emails, and then sends emails to the users when they are prone to browse and respond to them. It helps users construct courageous subject lines, optimizes the send time for the bulk email list, and helps marketers divide their email list as per the niche. Using AI in email marketing can undoubtedly boost your business performance.  

4. Video Focused Emails

Email campaigns that have videos in them tend to appear extremely compelling and attractive to lure potential customers towards your brand. It is the ideal example of content marketing as videos help your target audience to learn new trends and things, boost your leads, and increase the awareness of your brand. Here are some benefits of video-centric emails:

  • Attains the engagement of your customers.
  • Communicates faster than plain text and images.
  • Enhances emails response rate.
  • Easily explains hard to understand topics.
  • Video emails are likely to be viral on social media.

5. AMP for Your Emails Accelerated Mobile Pages technology was initially designed for faster loading speed, and it is highly optimised for mobile devices. It is indeed one of the best tips to follow on email marketing campaigns in 2020. AMP for email enables you to make more actionable and interactive emails for your target audience. If your AMP emails are optimised, then they will enhance your email uploading speed as well as user experience