Digital Marketing

A Step-By-Step Guide To Attracting Paid Traffic That Converts

Driving traffic to your site can be a challenging task since SEO and Content marketing don’t generate results overnight, and Social Media marketing can be beaten down by the constant changing of algorithms. This puts marketers in a position where they decide to prioritize paid traffic, PPC in case they are launching ad campaigns and aspiring instant results.

However, paid traffic in no way guarantees instant results. From audience behavior to marketing platforms, we will be facing a lot of factors. Every paid traffic source has an individual price policy and ad requirements. This means you might end up creating heaps of ad copy versions, obtaining clicks that never convert, and paying excessively for consumers that do not provide a good ROI.

However, you can overcome these challenges by building and executing a well-thought paid traffic strategy that depends on the mix of AI automation and manual planning.

In this blog, we will be discussing how paid traffic works and how you can create an effective strategy for your business.

What Is Paid Traffic and How Does It Work?

Paid traffic comprises visitors who arrive on your website or landing page after clicking on an ad. They can come from various sources like:

  • Display Ads – These consist of images, texts, banners, etc. put on third party sites.
  • Paid Search – These are the ads that search engines like Google will display on their SERPs.
  • Social Media Ads – These ads pop up in users’ feed on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Sponsored Content – Publishers are paid to distribute these ad contents.
  • Native Ads – These ads appear on a platform in an identical style to it’s existing media.

The majority of the marketers believe paid traffic generation to be of huge benefit to their business. Although it is enticing to think that switching to PPC will help you obtain more visits, mainly because you are purchasing them. But this basic traffic isn’t what you require. Paid traffic should be able to generate more leads conversions and sales.

The audience you are attracting should be more likely to convert; this is known as relevant or converting traffic. To acquire such potential customers from a paid traffic source, you can follow this 6-step process. From clicking on the ad to making a purchase, every stage of the prospect’s journey is covered here.

How To Attract Converting Paid Traffic To Your Website In 6 Steps

Let’s dive into the details.

  1. Create a roadmap

Running your ad campaign without planning it first is more likely going to fail. You can avoid common drawbacks such as little to no impressions, massive overspending, or low CTR, by making a comprehensive roadmap on the basis of credible KPIs, detailed audience research, a precise marketing message and a list of competent channels to communicate it.

  1. Plan your budget

Without conducting proper research in preparation, you will be risking your entire campaign.

The CPC (cost-per-click) varies from industry to industry. So first, you need to find that out. Second is doing accurate calculations, and by that, we mean deciding not only how much you are going to spend but also where you will be spending it and what are you expecting in return. Failing to do so, you might end up overpaying for the ad that is only bringing a few low-quality leads to your website. To plan your budget wisely, you can simply answer these three main questions:

  • What are your target keywords?

Depending on your industry and goals, your target keywords will vary. Research to find out the keywords you want to target.

  • Which locations are you going to cover?

CPC can differ considerably between regions and states. Research well and find out which locations will best suit your advertising.

  • What is your primary KPI?

Keywords that build brand awareness do not push conversions necessarily as your audience might not be ready to buy instantly. Since their curiosity is on the peak, you should only set one KPI for a single campaign.

  1. Create a winning Ad copy

To grab your audience’s attention, you need to write a compelling ad copy. But make sure you deliver what you promise, and you will be able to motivate the actions you want. Misleading the audience will only drive them away.

A compelling ad copy comprises a targeted headline and triggering description. The former tells the audience what’s in it for them while the latter tells them how they can get it.

Writing a targeted ad copy to attract relevant traffic

  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing. Think about their requirements and how your product or service can solve them.
  • Observe your competitors. Try to analyze their targeting and ways to outperform them.
  • Create enough elements for A/B testing: Write a minimum of three headlines and two descriptions.
  1. Launch a powerful landing page

When developing a landing page for your ads, make sure they fit these three criteria – relevant, attractive, and drive. This means that the page is relevant to the customer query; the content and visuals are made while keeping your consumer persona in mind, and the title and CTA resonate with your audience emotionally to the extent that they convert.

  • Title – Examine the searches related to your main keywords to gather creative ideas.
  • Content – Ensure that the information your audience have come looking for is available there, easy to find and understand. Do not mess the page, adding too many deals and offers.
  • Visuals – Utilize good quality, original and compelling images instead of the free stock images everyone has seen numerous times.
  • CTA – Add a clear CTA button that matches the search intent.
  1. Utilize all the platforms

To utilize your ads to its full potential, you need to make sure they appear in front of your potential customers frequently. This can be done by reaching out to your audience across all the platforms they use instead of just Facebook or Google.

Using several platforms will make sure that you still appear in other places in case one goes down or fails.

  1. Introduce Automation

By this time, a lot of questions must be popping in your head like what if I follow all these steps and still end up with no good results. What to do if you have never created ads before? Or what are the best platforms for you, etc.? No doubt, all these will need lots of research and well maybe a little bit of AI.

PPC Automation Technology utilizes AI and machine learning to improve your paid traffic. While some tools only optimize ads, some only automate bids. So to match your ad to your target audience, you will more likely need more than one tool. There are plenty of tools available in the market. According to your goals, you can decide which one suits your needs the best.

Let us know your thoughts on this short guide in the comments below.