Digital Marketing

Why Context Marketing Will Dominate the Upcoming Decade?

A context is only the cause of encouraging a customer to take positive actions towards your brand and business. Many people say that content is the king of online marketing, but now context is even more important. When did you hear a customer say: “I want more branded content”? Most likely never.

Your content does not really create customer engagement; instead, it helps them to accomplish their goal. Say you have written an article about an issue that your customers were facing, but once your visitor gets the solution, they will escape immediately. It happens more often than not.

On the other hand, the context of the article can motivate them to take action for your products or services. That means its is your context that drove the engagement and even sales, not the content.

Context Marketing is an innovative way of marketing where a brand develops an experience for encouraging a user to fulfill a particular requirement or current needs of the customer.

In other words, it is the ability to clearly understand the objective of your customer and then make a relevant and actionable experience for them to take action. The content or experience should be delivered to the right audience, at the right time, on the right platform, and in the right way. When you are following these aspects while creating marketing content or experiences, you are actually implementing Context Marketing in your business.

In short, your marketing plan, preferred platform, content, products, and services should be in the right context to your target audience. Let’s see why it will be widespread, followed by the marketing method in the near future.

Why Should Context Marketing be Followed Now?

Nowadays, the dynamic media environment is allowing context marketing to deepen its roots over the web.

A short time ago, the creation of content was narrowed to the major TV stations and major publishing houses. However, today content creation has made its way into even small businesses.

The customers are creating their own content with the help of their digital devices, and now we have millions of content creators in this world. It seems like we will have 10 or maybe 20 % of the total population engaged in creating content. Due to this amount of content creators, the content marketing laws have now changed, and we have new rules to follow.

Consumer Behavior and Context Marketing      

Customer behavior is now different than what you can expect and the primary reason is limitless content creation all around the world. The accumulated content is not only growing day by day, but most of the internet users are also using search engines to find their answers, and this has resulted in extreme search volumes for a simple search term.

For instance, the keyword best toothpaste’s search volumes are increasing day by day, and it grows 100 percent every year. This user behavior is influencing current content creation techniques, and it is a reason for following Context Marketing in today’s business.

AI Helps Context Marketing

Artificial intelligence is a crucial factor in Context Marketing since, without it, you can’t access the right content according to the context you intend for.

Innovative Cookies

Here is a case study:

Oreo wanted to create a new kind of flavor for its popular biscuits. Instead of doing internal research for long periods and then deciding a new flavor, they did the opposite. They reached out to the local audience on social media and simply ran a survey in which they took what their customers want.

They got thousands of different flavor suggestions for a new biscuit, but picking the most common wasn’t that tough for them. When the final cookies released, it went an instant hit among the cookies lovers.

Wrapping it Up Context marketing might seem a bit unorthodox since it is not that much common today, but in the future, it will be one of the highly-targeted marketing strategies. So it can be worth for you to give it a try in your next marketing campaign.